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* Release 4.0 April 1994 *
Robert Gellman
Gellman Software
431 Fifth Street, S.E.
Washington, D.C. 20003
(C) Copyright 1987-1994 Robert Gellman
Stock Portfolio Record Manager stores, manipulates, and prints the
records needed to manage an investment portfolio. The program totally
replaces or supplements paper records. If you own stocks, bonds, mutual
funds, or other publicly traded investments, then you need this program.
Stock Portfolio Record Manager tracks the purchase and sale of stocks;
accepts multiple buy and sell transactions; registers stock splits; tracks
cash dividends; calculates hypothetical transactions; and accounts for
changes in basis. The program is adept at recording dividend reinvestments
and fractional shares. There is no limit to the number of stocks or
transactions other than the space available on your disk. You can even
calculate the value of your portfolio for any date in the past using prices
previously entered.
This program also produces a wide variety of useful reports that can
be printed on paper or to a disk file. The reports are the most powerful
feature of the program. Portfolio, transaction, dividend, and history
reports in several different flavors are available. Both dot matrix and
laser printers are supported.
There are some things that Stock Portfolio Record Manager does not do.
It does not provide analysis, graphs, buy/sell signals, or tax advice. You
cannot download prices directly. There are no special facilities for short
sales or futures. If you want these features, you need another program.
However, the program can handle mutual funds, bonds, options, and limited
partnerships, and other investments similar to stocks. Users have reported
that they track certificates of deposit and precious metals.
With version 3.0, Stock Portfolio Record Manager became shareware.
Shareware provides you with an opportunity to try a program before you are
obliged to pay for it. You may try the program on a trial basis for thirty
days. If you don't use it thereafter, you own nothing. If you continue to
use the program, you are obliged to register with the author.
The price is $25.00. This is a reasonable price for a program used to
manage a stock portfolio. If you invest in the stock market, you can
afford to pay for this program. Foreign registrants must send payment in
US dollars. Canadian Postal money orders (in US dollars) are fine.
To register the program, send $25.00 to Robert Gellman at the address
at the top of this page. Please include your name, address, the version
number you are using, and where you got the program. Thank you.
I. INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
C. COMMAND LINE SWITCHES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
D. DOCUMENTATION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
II. HOW THE PROGRAM WORKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
A. FILE STRUCTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B. TRANSACTION TYPES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
D. INVESTMENTS OTHER THAN STOCKS. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
E. ENTERING DATA, PRICES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
F. DIVIDENDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
III. REPORTS AND PRINTERS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
A. REPORTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Portfolio Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Transaction Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Cash Dividend Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
History Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
File Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
B. PRINTING AND VIEWING FILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Physical Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
DOS File Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
File Viewer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
C. YEAR END REPORTING PROCEDURES. . . . . . . . . . . . 18
IV. MISCELLANEOUS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
B. BASIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
C. CHANGING AND DELETING RECORDS. . . . . . . . . . . . 21
D. BACKUPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
E. DATES AND DOLLARS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
F. IDENTIFYING STOCKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
A. PROBLEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
D. UPDATE POLICIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
E. PROGRAMMING NOTES AND HISTORY. . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Author's Note: I HATE documentation that goes on for pages
explaining shareware and begging for registrations, so this is
it: If you use the program, please pay for it. Thank you.
Please read the license agreement, disclaimer of warranty,
and discussion of other legal technicalities later in this
To start Stock Portfolio Record Manager, change to the directory or
drive containing STOCK.EXE and enter STOCK at the DOS prompt. That's all.
If you understand how to buy and sell securities, then you can operate the
program. The best way to learn is to run the program.
The program requires 512 K and should run under DOS 3.0 or better. If
you get an ERROR 73 shortly after starting the program, then you are
probably using an earlier version of DOS. You must find a later version of
DOS if you want to run this program.
The program supports both monochrome and color monitors. A graphics
card is NOT required. You can run the program from a floppy disk, although
a hard disk is STRONGLY recommended.
Stock Portfolio Record Manager is menu-driven and simple to use. Use
the cursor keys to navigate through the main menu and highlight options.
Make selections by hitting the ENTER key.
Stock Portfolio Record Manager lets you meet your own needs for data.
Some users enter current prices for all stocks and print reports weekly.
Others enter prices less frequently or not at all. You can maintain as
many prices for each stock as you like and you can delete them as you
please. The choice is yours.
When you start the program for the first time, you will be told that
the main data file (STOCK.DAT) cannot be found. This is a warning in the
event that existing data files are not in the current directory. Ignore
the warning the first time. If you see it after you have entered data,
chances are that you are in the wrong directory or a file is missing.
Investigate before entering more data.
On your first visit to the main menu, you only have three live
options. You can ENTER A NEW STOCK from the ENTER menu; you can SELECT
PRINTERS from the PRINT menu; or you can QUIT. Once you have entered a new
stock, all other options are available.
To print on paper, you must have an IBM Proprinter, HP Laserjet, or
compatible printer. Most dot matrix printers work like the IBM, and most
laser printers can emulate the HP. The printer selection routine is
explained later. You must use continuous form paper in your dot matrix
You also can print reports to a disk file so you can use the program
even if don't have a printer or if your printer isn't compatible. If your
printer feeds single sheets, print to a DOS file and then load the result
in your word processor and print that way. There is even an internal file
viewer so that you can read reports from disk files.
- 1 -
Stop reading and run the program. Enter a stock or two and several
transactions. Then order a sample of each report. Use the file viewer in
the program to read the reports. This will help you to decide if the
program really meets your needs. I bet that it will. If not, thanks for
having a look.
If you like what you see, then review the rest of this file at your
leisure. It will make more sense once you have seen the program in
operation. Most people never read the documentation and never need to.
There are three optional command line switches:
HP - Selects the HP Laserjet as the default printer.
IBM - Selects the IBM Proprinter as the default printer.
BW - Selects monochrome display on a color monitor.
To use a command line switch, enter it from this DOS prompt like this:
Please note that you can also select a printer within the program
through the PRINT menu.
This file was created with margins at 5 and 75, and there are form
feeds every 60 lines. To print this documentation, you can enter TYPE
STOCK.DOC > PRN from the DOS prompt. You also can load it in your word
processor with the proper margins and edit it before you print it.
This document explains the basics, but it does not explain every
feature in gory detail. Instead, it explains the general approach and uses
of the program that are not intuitive. A full description would be 200
pages long, and you wouldn't print it or read it. No one has reported the
program to be difficult use. Try it and see for yourself.
The documentation is worth reading. It includes useful advice on how
to handle unusual transactions, how to adjust your portfolio at the end of
the year, and how to maintain multiple portfolios.
You can even read the documentation from within the program. Select
the Display Documentation on Screen option from the Display menu. This
will be easier to do if you keep this file (STOCK.DOC) in the same
directory as the program. If necessary, however, you can specify an
alternate path for the file. You can only read a file named STOCK.DOC with
this facility.
- 2 -
You will find it helpful to understand how the program stores data.
There are two types of files created and maintained by the program.
MAIN STOCK FILE - Summary data for each stock in the portfolio is kept
in a "main stock file". The main stock file is a single DOS file called
"STOCK.DAT". For each stock, the STOCK.DAT file uses 128 bytes. The size
of the STOCK.DAT file is 128 bytes times the number of stocks in the
portfolio. The STOCK.DAT file is created in the default directory.
For those who are interested, appendix 1 contains a detailed
description of the contents of a main stock file. Some data is
descriptive; some is operational. Most descriptive data is optional and
can be omitted. You don't have to keep track - the program prompts you
whenever data is required.
Some data in the main stock file is generated by the program and
stored after a transaction is entered. This means that you cannot directly
change some main stock file information. You can only "influence" the data
by entering a transaction. For example, the main file contains a variable
representing the basis (cost) per share. When you enter a transaction, the
basis for that transaction is used to calculate the share basis.
Because the main stock file is always named STOCK.DAT, you cannot
maintain multiple portfolios in the same directory. The data files for
different portfolios MUST be in separate directories or the files will be
erased or corrupted. Multiple portfolios are discussed later in Section
TRANSACTION LOG - The second type of file is a transaction log. For
each stock, there is a separate DOS file with the data on the transactions.
Each transaction record is 128 bytes long; each transaction file is 128
bytes times the number of transactions for the stock. All transaction logs
are created in the default directory.
The name of the transaction file is based on the stock "symbol". Each
symbol is provided by the user and must have one to four characters. The
symbol is used as the name of the DOS file containing the transaction
records for that stock. Each symbol must be a lawful DOS file name. For
example, if you enter "IBM" as the symbol, the associated transaction
records are in a file called "IBM.LOG". Symbols are checked for legal
characters and uniqueness automatically. If your stock has a symbol with
five or more characters, abbreviate it.
The program checks to make sure that a stock symbol does not create a
DOS file with a reserved file name. Thus, stock symbols for CON, NUL,
LPT1, LPT2, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, LST, and AUX will be rejected. These
file names are reserved in most versions of DOS. If your symbol is
rejected, just pick a different one.
- 3 -
If you have ten stocks in the portfolio, there will be eleven data
files on your disk (STOCK.DAT plus ten .LOG files). You may NOT change the
name of these files. If you delete any of these files through DOS rather
than through the program, all of your data will be irretrievably ruined.
The program cannot deal with missing files or renamed files. You may,
however, rename the STOCK.EXE file.
There is no inherent limit to the number of stocks or transactions
that Stock Portfolio Record Manager can track. Some reports and displays
use additional memory to sort transactions. Thus, it is conceivable that
there is enough memory to handle your portfolio but not enough for these
operations. For a machine with 512 K or more, there should be enough
memory for sorting an extremely large number of transactions.
Stock Portfolio Record Manager recognizes nine transaction types.
The types and their codes numbers are displayed on screen whenever needed
so that you don't have to remember then or write them down. The
transactions are:
Capital Transactions
1. Buy
2. Sell
3. Receive (e.g, a stock split or gift)
4. Dispose (e.g., reverse split, spin-off, or gift)
5. Increase Basis (e.g., additional costs)
6. Decrease Basis (e.g., return of capital)
Other Transactions
7. Enter Data
8. Cash Dividend
9. Dividend Reinvestment (just a convenient way of entering
a BUY followed by a CASH DIVIDEND transaction)
An explanation of these transactions follows.
The BUY and SELL transactions are for normal purchases and sales of
shares. Dividend reinvestments are BUY transactions just like any other
The RECEIVE and DISPOSE transactions are for events that change the
number of shares but that do not involve cash outlays or receipts. A
DISPOSE transaction will not appear on a list of stock sales. These two
transactions allow you to track cash flow accurately. You do not have to
create fake buy or sell transactions to account for splits or spinoffs.
The INCREASE BASIS and DECREASE BASIS transactions are for events that
change the basis but not the number of shares. You are never prompted for
the number of shares when you increase or decrease the basis. You can only
modify the total basis for your holdings.
- 4 -
For example, if a dividend is accounted for as a return of capital,
the dividend is normally not taxable. You would learn this from the
dividend notice (IRS Form 1099) that you receive from the company. The
normal tax treatment for a return of capital is to reduce the basis for the
stock by the amount of the return of capital. This would be a REDUCE BASIS
An INCREASE BASIS transaction might result from a year end notice of
unallocated commission costs from a dividend reinvestment plan. Stock
Portfolio Record Manager allows the tracking of this information
effortlessly by entering an INCREASE BASIS transaction.
The ENTER DATA transaction allows the entry of the four general data
fields (date, price, certificate number, and notes) without an actual
transaction. All data is kept until you give instructions to delete it.
This is a powerful feature because it allows you to enter prices as
often as you like. Stock Portfolio Record Manager uses the latest price to
calculate the value of your portfolio. You also may calculate portfolio
value using earlier prices maintained in the file. See the discussion of
portfolio reports below.
The eighth transaction records CASH DIVIDENDS received. This is
intended to track cash dividends. Several printed and screen dividend
reports that will summarize dividend information.
The ninth transaction for DIVIDEND REINVESTMENTS is not really a
separate transaction. Selecting this transaction will generate a BUY
transaction immediately followed by a CASH DIVIDEND transaction.
Please note that different transactions will prompt you to provide
different data. For example, you are only prompted for profit/loss
information when you sell or dispose of shares. If you change the
transaction type after data has been entered, the data not needed for the
new transaction is erased on the screen.
Most transactions give you the ability to enter price, certificate
number, and notes. This allows you to explain what the transaction is,
keep track of certificate numbers, and record prices in the file. Dividend
transactions are an exception. Certificate numbers cannot be entered in a
dividend transaction.
Stock Portfolio Record Manager has the facility to handle all
transactions that you are likely to encounter. Use the tools -- the
different transactions -- to create any combination of changes to the
number of shares and basis that is required.
For example, a stock dividend is a capital transaction that should be
recorded as a RECEIVE transaction and not as a cash dividend. A stock
dividend is not normally taxable as income.
- 5 -
A more complex event -- like a stock dividend with the sale of a
fractional share -- is actually two transactions. First, enter a RECEIVE
transaction to accept the new shares. A stock dividend does not change the
total basis of your holdings (the basis per share will change). Include
the fractional share in the RECEIVE transaction. Then enter a SELL
transaction for the fractional share sold. Assign the proper basis to the
share sold. The result is that the program recognizes both the proper
number of shares that you own and the sale of the fractional interest.
Dividend reinvestments are actually two events: payment of a cash
dividend and purchase of shares. If you track cash dividends, then the
dividend reinvestment should be recorded as two separate transactions: 1)
a BUY to record the number of shares acquired and the basis; and 2) a CASH
DIVIDEND received to record the income. Use the DIVIDEND REINVESTMENT
transaction to simplify the data entry.
Dividend reinvestment plans that offer a discount from fair market
value create complex transactions because the tax basis and the cash basis
are different. You may find it easier to use the cash basis for each
transaction and to adjust to the tax basis at year end. Do adjustments as
an INCREASE BASIS transaction.
The warped minds on Wall Street will invent new transactions, and
eventually a company that you own will do something really unusual. For
example, a company may spin off a subsidiary and give you a fractional
share in a new company for each share of the old company that you own. Or
a company may split into several different companies, like AT&T did.
These transactions can be handled if you think about what has
happened. The program gives you the facility to add and subtract shares
from your holdings and to increase and decrease your basis. With these
tools, you can "create" any transaction that you may need. If a
transaction involves shares but no cash, then use the RECEIVE or DISPOSE
transactions rather than BUY or SELL.
For example, a spin-off requires the transfer of basis to the new
shares. Do a REDUCE BASIS transaction for the old stock and enter the new
shares as a new stock using a RECEIVE transaction. Explain the activity in
the notes that accompany each main stock file and each transaction. If the
number of shares in the original company is reduced, use the DISPOSE
transaction. If the name of the company changes, use the CHANGE MAIN STOCK
FILE facility on the main menu.
The main menu also offers the ability to calculate the effect of a
hypothetical transaction. This is the fourth selection from the ENTER DATA
menu. A hypothetical transaction shows the effect of a proposed buy or
sell transaction on an existing stock. No actual transaction is added to
the permanent file. This permits you to calculate profit/loss for a sale
and the effect on the existing portfolio of a possible buy or sell
Caution: The before and after portfolio percentages that appear on
the hypothetical transaction screen are not likely to be comparable. The
price for the "before" calculation is the most recent file price. The
price for the "after" calculation will likely be different.
- 6 -
Many investments other than traditional stocks can be tracked through
the Stock Portfolio Record Manager. Mutual funds require no adjustment;
they work just like stocks. Stock options, publicly traded limited
partnerships, real estate investment trusts, etc. also work like stocks.
The program is not expressly designed for other investments. But you
may be able to "translate" your investment into transactions that are
recognized by the program.
For example, if you want to enter a bond, decide how many "shares" the
bond represents. A bond with a face value of $10,000 can be treated as one
share of stock, ten shares, or ten thousand shares as you please. Adjust
the share price so that the price times the number of shares equals the
cost of the bond. Adjust the dividend rate so the dividend times the
number of shares equals the annual interest.
If a $10,000 bond is treated as one share, the annual interest is the
dividend. Multiply the price of the bond (e.g., 100) by 100 when entered
so that the "number of shares" times the price equal $10,000. If you want
to record accrued interest on bond purchases or sales, use the note fields.
Similar creative methods may work for other investments, such as
certificates of deposit. It will not be hard to figure out. If you need
help, write to Gellman Software. If, however, you invest in short sales,
straddles, futures, and the like, Stock Portfolio Record Manager probably
is not for you.
Basic data entry for stocks and transactions is accomplished through a
full screen editor. Enter data in the highlighted field and move to the
next field by hitting ENTER or by using the UP or DOWN cursor keys. If you
try to move in an impermissible direction, nothing happens. When all input
is correct, highlight the "ALL DONE" box and hit ENTER. Hit the ESCAPE key
anytime to abort the data entry process.
At each data field, a box at the bottom of the screen will contain any
necessary reference information. This includes transaction numbers,
fractional shares in decimals, basis calculations, and current advice.
While entering or editing data in a highlighted field, the standard
editing keys work. This includes the cursor keys, HOME, END, BACKSPACE,
DELETE. The INSERT key toggles the standard insert mode. If you enter too
many characters in a data field, the program beeps at you.
Some data fields are optional and can be used to hold any information
that you like. If data is mandatory and you fail to provide it, you will
not be able to continue. There are separate note fields for each stock and
each transaction, but you can use other fields (e.g., certificate or CUSIP
number) for additional notes.
- 7 -
A new price for a stock can be entered as a new transaction for an
existing stock. Choose an ENTER DATA transaction (number 7). However, if
you want to enter a new price for each stock, there is a shortcut available
through the ENTER menu. This method will bring up each stock in sequence
and prompt you to enter a new price or skip the stock if you prefer. These
prices are saved permanently in the transaction files.
All prices entered this way must have the same date. If a note is
entered, the same note (e.g., YEAR END PRICE) is added to each transaction.
This is a convenience if you want to record prices annually, quarterly,
monthly, weekly, or whenever.
There is also a temporary price feature. Use it when you want to know
the value of the portfolio today, but you don't want to keep today's prices
in the permanent portfolio. This very powerful option is available through
Temporary prices are also available during the same session when
printing a portfolio list. This permits you to enter prices as often as
you like and to obtain a printout without actually adding new data to the
file. The temporary prices remain available until you make a change in the
file that affects the currency of the data. Whenever temporary prices are
available for a printed portfolio list, you will be offered the option to
use them.
The program tests dates. All dates are assumed to be in the 20th
Century (1900-1999). (I expect to solve the problem of the 21st century
eventually.) Non-existent dates (e.g., February 30, September 31) are
rejected in more recent versions of the program. However, leap years are
not tested. February 29 will always be accepted as a transaction date but
never as a reference date in the main stock file when dividends are paid.
There are two different types of dividend information: main file
dividend information and transaction dividend information. All dividend
data is totally optional.
The main file dividend information can be entered when entering or
changing a new stock. The program asks for three items of information
about dividends: the annual dividend rate per share, the number of
dividends per year, and any date (MM/DD) that dividends are paid. All
dividend data is optional. The annual dividend rate is used to calculate
yields. The other two fields are used only for an expected dividend report
on the number, timing, and amount of dividends expected in any calendar
year. The report is described in more detail below.
When the dividend rate changes, you must go through the main stock
file CHANGE menu to update the rate. The program recognizes one -- and
only one -- annual dividend rate for each stock. That rate is used to
provide yield information and to produce expected dividend reports. There
is no way to account for extra dividends or mid-year changes in dividends.
- 8 -
The second class of dividend information is transaction data. The
CASH DIVIDEND transaction records the receipt of a dividend. This
information is used to provide a variety of reports on dividends received.
If these reports have no use to you, then there is no reason to enter
dividend transactions.
New with version 3.8 is the ability to classify dividends. There are
four categories: ordinary; long term capital gain; short term capital
gain; and tax free. All dividends are assumed to be ordinary unless
otherwise specified. Dividends added to the classification capability are
automatically ordinary. There is a dividend report that lists dividends by
company and category.
Note that a stock dividend is functionally the same as a split and
should be entered as a new transaction (OTHER RECEIPT OF SHARES). Whenever
a split is recorded, the program will remind you that it may be appropriate
to change the dividend rate in the main stock file.
- 9 -
Stock Portfolio Record Manager provides many different printed and
screen reports. The reports are the most powerful feature of the program.
All of the information maintained by the program can be printed. There are
three categories of reports that can be selected through the REPORT menu:
Transaction, Portfolio, Dividend, and History. In addition, the basic
stock and transaction files can be printed through the PRINT menu.
Each of the selections on the REPORT menu brings up a submenu listing
the different flavors of reports that are available. Use the cursor keys
to highlight a report and hit ENTER.
Most printed reports provide the user with the ability to specify
titles. This allows you to customize reports, differentiate portfolios, or
do generally as you please. A default title is proposed for each report.
Report titles may be up to seventy characters in length. When printed,
titles are automatically centered and capitalized.
The title selection screen also offers a reminder of the currently
selected printer. If the report is not being directed to the proper file
or printer, this provides an opportunity to stop and select a different
printer target.
Portfolio Reports
There are two types of portfolio reports, with several varieties.
1) PORTFOLIO SUMMARY - This is a screen only report showing the
number of stocks owned, the total value of all stocks, profit/loss at
the current prices, percentage of profit/loss, total annual dividends,
yield based on cost, and current yield. If you need this information
in print, order a portfolio list or a main file list.
There are three versions of the summary, based upon:
a) Latest File Prices
The most recent prices in the file will be used for this
report. This is the report that likely will be used most often.
b) Temporary Prices
If you choose this option, you will be prompted to enter a
price for each stock. The prices will NOT become part of the
permanent file. They will only be used to calculate the
portfolio summary during the same session. The temporary prices
are also available for a printed portfolio list ordered during
the same session.
- 10 -
c) Historical Prices
You may calculate the value of the portfolio based on file
prices for any date. The summary uses the first price on or
after the date you specify. Prices of $0.00 are ignored. If
there is no qualifying price (e.g., the target date is after any
existing file price), then the most recent file price is used.
This summary has limitations. It does NOT reflect changes
in the portfolio between the specified date and the current date.
Thus, it is most suitable for use in portfolios that are stable.
If you have bought or sold a stock or had a split in the
intervening period, the summary only includes the value of
current holdings. If you have added a stock, the addition will
be valued at the current file price in all earlier summaries.
Please be careful not to misinterpret the results.
After ordering a portfolio summary, you will be able to add the
summary information to a screen-only portfolio comparison chart. This
allows you to compare the results of different summaries made during
the same session. The chart holds information from eight summaries.
If there are more than eight summaries during the same session, the
oldest summary will be dropped and the new one will replace it.
You can add a description to the portfolio comparison chart so
that you can easily distinguish different summaries. The program
offers a default description that will distinguish the summaries from
each other. The description can be modified if you choose.
This facility permits you to review the effect of changes in
prices or in your portfolio. No need to use paper and pencil. The
portfolio comparison chart also can be reviewed directly from the
PORTFOLIO REPORTS submenu. Remember that the chart is erased when you
exit the program.
2) PORTFOLIO LIST - This is a printed list of all stocks in the
portfolio, with the number of shares owned, basis per share, latest
price, total value, profit/loss, current yield, and the percent of the
total portfolio represented by the stock. This report can be printed
in alphabetical order by company or in order based on the total value
of the investment. This report offers a complete summary of your
portfolio, and it is the printed report you are most likely to use.
Version 4.0 added a new type of portfolio list that can only be
printed to a disk file. It adds cost yield and percentage gain/loss
to the information in the regular portfolio list. The report is too
wide for printing, but it can be viewed using the file viewer.
If the temporary price feature (selection 2 from the PORTFOLIO
REPORT submenu) was used earlier in the same session, you can print a
portfolio report using the temporary prices instead of the latest file
prices. This allows you to do periodic printing of prices without
adding the prices to the permanent file. You will be offered this
option automatically if it is available.
- 11 -
Transaction Reports
Transaction reports only include capital transactions (Buy; Sell;
Receive; Dispose; Increase Basis; Decrease Basis). The reports do not
include ENTER DATA transactions or CASH DIVIDEND transactions. Dividend
transactions can be reviewed by ordering a dividend report.
Each transaction report covers a user-specified period. You can
select the current year-to-date; the previous year; or any other period you
There are five types of transaction reports:
1) SUMMARY - This is a screen-only report showing the number of
each type of transaction and the total basis for each type. Total
proceeds and profit/loss are included for sales. This report appears
when a transaction or stock sale (but not a profit/loss) report is
requested. This report can be printed on paper, but it is the only
report that cannot be printed to a DOS file.
2) LIST - This is a printed list of all transactions for any
period. For each transaction, the report shows the name of the
company, transaction type, date, number of shares, price, and basis.
For a sale, the proceeds and profit/loss are also shown. This report
can be printed in either chronological or alphabetic order.
3) SALES REPORT - This printed report is the same as a
transaction report, but it includes only SELL transactions. See the
discussion of year end reporting procedures for advice on how to
handle end-of-year transitions.
4) PROFIT/LOSS REPORT - This printed report includes only SELL
transactions segregated based on the reported profits and losses.
Profits and losses are listed and subtotaled separately in date order.
This is especially useful for tax preparation and planning.
will separate SELL transactions by the capital gain holding period.
You can designate stock sales as short or long term when the
transaction is entered. The program will not determine whether a sale
is long or short term. Automatically matching purchases with sales
can be very complex and is sometimes impossible. This is the user's
responsibility. This data field and report are new with version 3.7.
There are some complexities to consider when tracking capital
gain holding periods. First, remember that any previously entered
SELL transactions have not been characterized. You can add this
information through the CHANGE menu. You will have a chance to
designate a sale as L (long) or S (short).
- 12 -
The field for capital gains can be left blank. SELL transactions
that are undesignated will be treated as a third category on
printouts. This will flag the transactions so that you can designate
them (using the CHANGE menu). If no period has been designated, the
sale will be listed as "????? Term".
Second, the current federal capital gain holding period for stock
is currently one year, but it is subject to change. If there is a
change, then you may need to alter any SELL transactions for the years
affected by the change. This must be done on a case-by-case basis.
The IRS will tell you what the current holding period is. Read your
tax instructions for the latest information.
Third, for some sales, there may be more than one holding period
involved. For example, if shares acquired at different times are sold
in a single SELL transaction, some gains may be long term and other
gains may be short term. To address this, you will have to split a
single SELL transaction into several SELL transactions so that each
can be separately designated for the holding period. The program will
not do this for you automatically.
Fourth, while this program does not offer any tax advice, some
IRS information is reprinted here to help you determine holding
periods. The following comes from IRS Publication 17 for 1991:
If you hold investment property more than one year, your
gain or loss is a long-term capital gain or loss. If you hold
the property one year or less, your gain or loss is a short-term
capital gain or loss.
To figure how long you held the investment property, begin
counting on the date after the day you acquired the property.
The same date of each following month is the beginning of a new
month regardless of the number of days in the preceding month.
The day you disposed of the property is part of your holding
Example: If you buy investment property on February 1,
1991, you start counting on February 2. The 2nd of each
following month is the beginning of a new month. If you sell the
property of February 1, 1992, your holding period is not more
than one year and you will have a short-term capital gain or
loss. If you sell it on February 2, 1992, your holding period is
more than one year and you will have a long-term capital gain or
For securities traded on an established securities market,
your holding period begins the day after the trading date you
bought the securities, and ends on the trading date you sold
them. Ignore the settlement date for holding period purposes.
There is no guarantee that this information is either accurately
reproduced or currently correct.
- 13 -
Cash Dividend Reports
There are seven different reports that summarize cash dividend
1) SUMMARY - This is a screen only report. It includes the
number of securities in the portfolio, the number of securities paying
dividends in the specified period, the number of dividends received,
and the total amount of dividends.
2) BY DATE - This printed report lists each dividend received by
date, company name, and amount. A running total of dividends received
is also included. Dividends are listed in date order.
3) BY COMPANY - This printed report lists each dividend received
by date, company name, and amount. The report includes a subtotal by
4) TOTAL BY COMPANY - This is a printed report that includes the
name of the company and the total amount received in the specified
period. This report is provided for those who may wish to use it as
an attachment to a tax return.
5) TOTAL BY COMPANY AND CATEGORY - This printed report uses the
dividend type field to list dividends by company and category.
Dividends can be categorized as ordinary, long term capital gain,
short term capital gain, and tax free. This is new with version 3.8.
When entering a dividend, you will be prompted to categorize it.
6) EXPECTED DIVIDENDS BY DATE - This report is a printed list of
dividends expected to be received in a year. It reads the information
about dividend rate, dividend date, and dividend numbers from the main
stock data file. The list of dividends is in date order.
This printed report is useful as a check list for dividends or to
see how dividends are spread throughout the year. If you have not
entered dividend information in the main file, then this report will
have no value.
The information in this report is NOT based on actual cash
dividend transactions. It is calculated from the dividend rate, date,
and number of payments. Most stocks pay dividends four times a year,
semi-annually, or monthly. The report shows payment dates for stocks
that pay dividends 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12, 24 (twice a month), 26 (bi-
weekly), or 52 times a year. It will not process any other periodic
or irregular payments. The year covered by the expected dividend
report is a generic year. But weekly and bi-weekly payments must be
adjusted for a leap year, and the program asks if it is a leap year.
- 14 -
In order for a dividend to appear in the report, there are
several prerequisites. First, current holdings must be more than zero
shares of the stock. Second, dividend information in the main file
(date, rate, and number of payments) must be complete. If some of
this data is missing, you will be advised. You will not be warned
about holdings of zero shares.
If a dividend payment is paid on the last day of a month, then
all payments by that company are assumed to be paid on the last day of
the month. Bi-monthly payments are assumed to be paid on the same
dates each month (e.g., the first and the sixteenth of the month).
The report is based on current holdings. If you buy or sell
shares, the report may not be accurate for part of the year. You can
track actual payments using the other dividend reports.
In some version of the program, dividend dates were not checked
to see if the date entered was real (e.g., September 31). Since data
entered under the older versions may be incorrect, the program will
warn you about non-existent dates.
7) EXPECTED DIVIDENDS BY COMPANY - This report provides a printed
list of dividends expected to be received in a year printed by
company. The discussion for the previous report is relevant here.
History Reports
This report shows the capital transaction history for one stock or all
stocks. This is a printed report with a one line listing for each capital
transaction (transaction numbers 1-6) showing the date, transaction type,
price, number of shares, cumulative shares, basis, and cumulative basis.
This may be a useful alternative to a printed file listing. The report is
new with version 3.7.
File Reports
All stock and log files can be printed through the PRINT menu. There
are two types of printed files.
1) MAIN FILE - This report includes all information in a main
stock file. This report is printed five stocks to a page.
2) COMPLETE FILE - This report includes all main file data plus a
full list of all transactions. You can print a complete report for
one stock or for all stocks.
The contents of the main file and the transaction logs can be found in
appendix 1.
- 15 -
Stock Portfolio Record Manager supports two physical printers: the
IBM Proprinter (dot matrix) and the HP Laserjet (laser). In addition, all
reports that can be printed on paper can be directed to a DOS file and
viewed through a file viewer included in the program. These file reports
also can be read externally using any text reader. Printing to a DOS file
saves paper, allows those with nonconforming printers to use the program,
and permits users to import reports into other programs.
If you don't select a physical printer, all print requests will be
directed to a DOS file. File printing is discussed in more detail later in
this section.
Physical Printing
There are two ways to select a physical printer. First, pick SELECT
PRINTERS (option 4) from the PRINT menu. Follow the prompts to make a
selection. You can switch printers during a session. The SELECT PRINTERS
menu line shows which printer type is the current selection. In addition,
an on-screen reminder is provided when choosing titles for reports.
Second, there is a command line switch that specifies a physical
printer. This switch allows you to select a printer in a batch file
without having to remember to select it each time you run the program. To
select the HP Laserjet, enter STOCK /HP from the DOS prompt. Enter STOCK
/IBM to select the IBM Proprinter.
If you don't have a Proprinter or Laserjet, you still may be able to
print. Most laser printers emulate the HP codes. If your printer can use
HP codes, then you can print reports. Many dot matrix printers use the
same codes as the IBM Proprinter. If you have any dot matrix printer, try
the IBM selection. When using any dot matrix printer, you must use
continuous form paper. You cannot feed single sheets. But you can print
to a file and then load the result into your word processor and print from
there. Just make sure that you use a small font for wide reports. Fixed
fonts, rather than proportional, are likely to achieve a better result.
There are only three printer codes used by the program so there is an
excellent chance that your printer is compatible. The IBM Proprinter codes
used are CHR$(12) [Form Feed]; CHR$(15) [Condensed Printing - approximately
17 characters per inch]; and CHR$(18) [Regular Printing - 10 characters per
inch]. You cannot control the printer using printer switches because most
reports use both regular and condensed printing.
All physical printing goes through LPT1. If your printer is connected
to another parallel port or to a serial port, you must handle printer
redirection at the DOS level. If you don't understand this paragraph,
don't worry about it unless you can't print. Then you should consult your
DOS manual about use of the MODE command.
- 16 -
When you order a printed report, the program tests to see if printer 1
(LPT1) is on-line. If it isn't, you are warned. This test is not reliable
for every type of equipment and configuration so an override is provided.
If you try to print and there is no printer, the program will crash. VERY
IMPORTANT: Before you do this, exit back to DOS. This writes all data to
the disk. Then if the program crashes, you won't lose any data entered
during the current session.
DOS File Printing
The default DOS file name for printing directed to a DOS file is
REPORT.RPT. You can specify a different file name using the SELECT PRINTER
option under the PRINT menu. You will be prompted to enter an optional
path and a required file name. The program will examine the path and file
name that you enter, and blatantly illegal choices will be rejected. All
target file names MUST have a .RPT extension. Remember that the path and
file name are only checked for validity and not for availability. If the
drive you select is full or not available (e.g., the drive door is open),
the program will crash.
If the program crashes, data entered during the current session may be
lost and data files can be ruined. To be careful before printing to a disk
file, exit the program first to save all new data. Then restart the
program and print to the disk file. This precaution is probably
unnecessary. If you have entered new data, it may be worth taking care.
Data written to a disk file will be appended to an existing file.
This permits you to write multiple reports from one or more sessions to the
same file. You can change the name and path of the target DOS file as
often as you like during a session.
Version 3.7 added the facility to erase .RPT files from within the
program. It is option 4 on the DELETE menu. This feature is described in
more detail below in the section on deleting files.
File Viewer
The file viewer is available as the third selection from the DISPLAY
menu. Only files with an extension of .RPT can be viewed. When the viewer
is selected, you will offered the opportunity to view the most recently
designated target file. You can specify a different file, but non-existent
files and files with the wrong extension will be rejected. Blatantly
improper paths also will be rejected.
Once a file is selected, the entire file will be scanned. Only the
first 16384 lines (a very large number!) in a file can be read. Reading
can take a few seconds. You can then navigate through the file using the
arrow keys, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, HOME, and END keys. Reports wider than
eighty columns can be viewed by using the left and right arrow keys to
shift the viewing window. If multiple reports are printed to the same
file, they will be separated by a line across the screen.
- 17 -
Version 3.9 added some new features to the viewing process. When
selecting a file for viewing, the first 24 report (*.RPT) files in the
CURRENT directory are displayed on the screen. This makes it easy to
figure out which one you want to view. If there is only one report file in
the current directory, that file will be prompted in the selection box.
This will make selections a bit simpler.
There are some obvious limitations here. If you have more than 24
files -- a very large number, I think -- then all will not be displayed.
Also, if you write .RPT files to a directory other than the current
directory, there is no way to view the directory.
When you have sold all shares of a stock, the stock continues to
appear as a holding of zero shares. All transaction records remain in the
file. I STRONGLY recommend waiting until the end of the year before
deleting the records of any stock that was totally disposed of during the
year. Keep the records available for year end reports. This also aids in
doing taxes. Once you delete a stock, all associated records are gone
forever. The only way to recover is to reenter all of the data.
My personal practice is to enter all data for a calendar year and then
print a complete round of reports. To have a "pure" year end report, I
delay entering ANY data for the following year until I am ready to print.
I find that I can't finish a year end report until February or March. For
example, you never know if a dividend was a return of capital (REDUCE
BASIS) until you get the Form 1099 from the company. Limited partnerships
also delay reporting basis information.
If you need to enter new data before closing out the old year, you may
want to maintain two separate portfolios temporarily. It is up to you to
make sure that you have entered the right data in the right portfolio (or
in both portfolios). Once you have completed one year's transactions, made
sure that everything is correct, and printed out all reports that you want,
you can then delete records for securities that are no longer owned.
I suggest another step first. Before you delete any stocks, copy all
the data files (STOCK.DAT and all .LOG files) onto a separate subdirectory
or disk. These files will be a year end backup. I take a copy of all
year-end data files and place them in a file archive. (I use Phil Katz's
PKZIP, but if you don't understand file archives or PKZIP, don't worry
about it.)
A backup of this sort is useful if you later discover a missing
transaction or an error. You can restore the old files and generate
corrected reports without reentering all deleted data. If you are not a
moderately sophisticated computer user, you may find this to be too
complex. The trick here is to make ABSOLUTELY SURE that you NEVER place
data files from different time periods or portfolios in the same directory.
This will result in lost files and ruined data.
- 18 -
Another year-end practice that I follow is to delete all cash dividend
transactions for the previous year. I also delete some interim prices
(ENTER DATA transactions) that I don't want to preserve in perpetuity. I
use the multiple delete facility to accomplish this easily. Of course, if
you see a continuing value in retaining this type of data, then you can
keep it in the file permanently.
As you maintain more data and dividend transactions in the files, the
data file will grow longer, the program will run a bit slower, and reports
may be longer. All of these effect are relatively minor, and there is no
reason to delete data and dividend transactions if they are useful to you.
Stock Portfolio Record Manager let you decide what data to save and how
long to save it.
- 19 -
Stock Portfolio Record Manager looks for or creates its data files in
the current directory. Any marginally adept PC user should already
understand directories. If you don't, read the DOS manual or a basic
computer book. The program can be run from a floppy or hard disk. The
data files MUST be in the current directory when the program is started.
The program itself can be kept elsewhere if you like.
The program can only manage one portfolio on its own. You can still
maintain many separate portfolios if you undertake to keep the data files
from different portfolios in separate directories. One method is to
maintain a copy of the program in each data directories.
There is a more efficient way. You can use the program for multiple
portfolios without maintaining more than one copy of STOCK.EXE. For
example, suppose that you have a portfolio for mutual funds and one for
other shares. Establish two subdirectories named FUND and SHARE. Put
STOCK.EXE in the FUND portfolio. To access the mutual fund portfolio,
change to the FUND subdirectory and enter STOCK at the DOS prompt.
To access the other portfolio, change to the SHARE subdirectory and
execute a command like this: C:\FUND\STOCK. Since the program looks in
the current directory for its data files, this enables you to access the
portfolio in the current (SHARE) directory. To simplify matters, you can
create a batch file containing the proper address of STOCK.EXE.
If the SHARE and FUND subdirectories are part of a directory called
FINANCE, a batch file for the SHARE portfolio would have these commands:
You have keep the program anywhere. If you put it in a directory on
your path, then you can have as many portfolios as you like if each is in a
separate portfolio. Just change to the directory with the portfolio you
want and execute STOCK.
Basis is the cost of shares. You can use the cash basis, tax basis,
or any other basis you like. I recommend using the tax basis, but it is up
to you. BE CONSISTENT. Tax basis and cash basis are frequently the same,
but not always. For example, utility shares purchased through dividend
reinvestment programs for several years in the 1980s may have a tax basis
of zero. Use the note fields in each transaction to remind yourself of any
unusual basis elements or aspects.
- 20 -
When you are prompted to enter the basis for a purchase or sale (or
the profit/loss for a sale), the program proposes a number based on
available information. To accept the proposed number, just hit ENTER. Be
careful, however, when entering transactions with fractional shares such as
dividend reinvestments. Rounding errors may produce small variations from
the actual amounts. Verify the numbers.
The program cannot always calculate with certainty the basis for
shares you have sold. If you bought shares at one time and then sell them
all at another time, the calculation is easy. But if you bought shares at
different times, the calculation is not as simple. There are at least
three different ways to account for basis (average cost; first-in first-
out; last-in first-out).
The program always assumes that all shares in the current portfolio
have an equal basis. If there have been multiple purchases or sales, then
this assumption is almost certain to be wrong. When the program calculates
a basis, it explains how it was done. If the calculation is wrong, enter
the correct number.
If you return to the basis field again during the data entry process,
the calculation is not redone. You can, however, hit the TAB key to redo
the basis calculation. There is a screen prompt to remind you of this
recalculation feature when it is available.
The basis of shares sold is a very important number for tax purposes.
If the basis is too low, then you will pay too much in taxes. If the basis
is too high, then your tax bill will be too low. Either extreme is to be
avoided. Don't rely blindly on the program's calculations. Please make
sure that the basis calculations are correct.
CHANGING RECORDS - Any data element that can be entered by the user
can be altered through the CHANGE menu. Both main file information and
transaction information can be modified. In each case, the change screen
is similar in form and process to the original data entry screen.
Be especially careful when changing transaction records. This is a
principal way that incorrect information can enter the files inadvertently.
Automatic calculations of basis and profit/loss may be incorrect on the
change screen.
Please note also that basis and profit/loss are not changed
automatically if the underlying numbers are changed through the CHANGE
menu. If you change the price of a transaction, you will have to change
the basis and profit/loss on your own. The automatic recalculations will
work but may not be correct, especially for sales. The calculations are
based on assumptions that are rarely correct when a change to a sale is
being entered.
- 21 -
DELETING RECORDS - You can delete an individual transaction or an
entire main stock file through the DELETE menu. Whenever a main stock file
is deleted, all associated transactions logs are also deleted. You are
warned several times before any records are deleted.
The only safe way to delete files is through the program. If you
delete a transaction log file through DOS, the main stock file will still
be in STOCK.DAT. Serious problems will arise because there are no
underlying transactions. The program cannot recover from a missing .LOG
file. The only hope is to delete the main stock entry and start again.
See the discussion about the year-end reporting procedure in this document
for advice about deleting files.
If you want to delete a group of CASH DIVIDEND transactions or RECORD
DATA transactions, the multiple delete option may be useful. It is the
third choice on the DELETE menu. For any period, you can delete all
dividend transactions for a single stock or for all stocks. The idea here
is that you may not want to maintain cash dividend records beyond the end
of the year. The multiple delete option allows all of the records to be
removed with a few keystrokes. Similarly, you can delete multiple RECORD
DATA transactions at once.
You can delete .RPT files created by the program. This is option 4 on
the DELETE menu. The program will delete files with a .RPT extension that
appear in the specified directory. If you keep .RPT files elsewhere, you
can designate a path. If the program finds a .RPT file created by another
program, that file WILL be deleted. You have been warned.
You may direct the program to delete all .RPT files that it finds in
the specified directory. Alternatively, the program will identify each
.RPT file that it finds and ask if it should be deleted. If no .RPT files
are found, the program will beep.
I STRONGLY recommend that you back up all data. I keep multiple
copies of my data files in case of disaster and printed copies of data as
well. Finally, I keep all original statements and buy/sell slips so that I
can recreate the data files if necessary. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should
you rely exclusively on the program as the only source of data. There is a
possibility that an undiscovered error or computer failure will ruin all
data. Always be able to recreate essential records. The legal
gobbledygook below disclaims all responsibility for program failures.
Paper provides an additional type of backup. I print out a copy of
all files and all reports once a year. I also keep a copy of data "off
site" just in case of disaster. You can't be too careful.
- 22 -
For some reports, the program needs to know today's date. If your
computer doesn't have a permanent calendar, enter the date through DOS
before starting the program.
The program can easily handle transactions up to a million dollars.
With larger transactions, rounding errors may occur (a few cents). There
are no guarantees that transactions or total holdings that involve dollars
or shares in excess of 5 million will work. Very large numbers may cause
the program to crash. When entering the number of shares and the basis for
a transaction, numbers that are too large for the program to accept will be
rejected. Problems can also arise when several legal transactions create
totals that are beyond the program's capacity. There is nothing to worry
about unless you have several millions invested. If you have millions
invested in the market, you probably don't need this program.
When selecting a stock for printing or displaying, a list is created
on the screen. A stock is selected by moving the highlight bar and hitting
ENTER. Version 3.8 restored the ability to select a stock by entering its
number. Thus, to select the tenth stock on the list, hit 10 and ENTER.
This is one of the few program features for which there is no screen
prompt. With version 4.0, this selection process by number also works when
selecting a transaction log.
Version 4.0 expanded the stock selection list. It now includes the
name of the stock, the number of shares held, and the total value of the
holding. This list now serves as a mini-portfolio list as well as the
selection screen.
- 23 -
I have made some attempts to make Stock Portfolio Record Manager
idiot-proof. Nevertheless, if you want are intent on screwing up the data,
you can find a way to do it. The program will not protect you against all
contingencies. Things will go well if you follow instructions and enter
good numbers.
There is some error checking done by the program. Stock symbols are
reviewed for legal characters and for uniqueness. Improper dates are
rejected. You are warned if you try to sell more shares than you own. But
there is no internal check of profit/loss. You can enter a $1000 profit on
a $10 transaction. There are other similar gaps.
Be especially careful when changing transaction data. This is when
inconsistent information can most easily be entered. The program will not
fully protect you against your mistakes. In general, remember the famous
computer acronym of long ago: GIGO - Garbage in, garbage out.
Your data should be safe unless you take steps to erase it. Data is
vulnerable right after it is entered. The program does not always write
new data to disk immediately. The best precaution after entering new data
is to exit the program. This flushes the buffers and writes data to disk.
If you ever have an abnormal termination to the program in a session
when you have entered data, there is a chance that the data will be
incorrect. Any abnormal end to the program can result in the loss of newly
entered data. ALWAYS exit through the menu. An abnormal termination may
also result in the retention of temporary working files. If you find files
in the default directory with a .XXX extension, these files can (and
should) be deleted.
If the transaction logs for a stock show a different number of
transactions than the main stock file, then you have a problem. If you
find that data in a main stock file is irretrievably incorrect or
inconsistent, you may have to delete the stock and start over. There is no
direct way to recover from this problem other than to delete the stock.
REMEDIES. There is a good chance that a simple custom program can save
your data.
If the program can't find the STOCK.DAT data file when it starts, you
are warned. When you run the program for the first time, this warning
should be ignored. If you see this warning at any other time, check it out
before you enter any new data. Note that a missing .LOG file produces no
warning. You are responsible for maintaining the existence and integrity
of the data files except when the program is running. The program has not
been known to trash its own files.
- 24 -
The program has been tested in a reasonably thorough manner over
several years. Of course, it is likely that there are still a few bugs
somewhere, and new features may create new difficulties. Please write to
me if you encounter an error or a difficulty of any type. Be specific
about: the problem; your system's operating system and configuration; and
exactly what you did that resulted in the problem.
Gellman Software and Robert Gellman shall be limited to a return of the
registration price or replacement of the program at the option of Gellman
Software and Robert Gellman.
Anyone may use the program for a thirty day trial period. At the
conclusion of the trial period, you must stop using the program or pay a
$25.00 registration fee. To register, send $25.00 with your name, address,
and version number you are using to:
Robert Gellman
431 Fifth Street, S.E.
Washington, DC 20003
All payments must be in US dollars. Canadian postal money orders in
US dollars have been a convenient payment method for Canadians.
International money orders in US dollars may be an alternative for those in
other countries.
I will respond to all who register to let you know if you are using
the latest version. Copies of the current version will only be provided in
accordance with the update policies set out below.
There is no restriction on personal use of the program by a registered
user or a member of their immediate household. Registered users may not
license others to use the program or transfer their license to others.
The program and its documentation are copyrighted. No one is
authorized to change the program or the documentation.
- 25 -
Anyone may give a copy of the program with all accompanying
documentation to any other person. The program together with its
documentation may be distributed by computer bulletin boards, software
clubs, shareware libraries, shareware vendors, and similar organizations at
a standard charge for media and distribution. No other forms of
distribution for money are authorized.
I plan to fix errors, make changes and improvements, and add new
features from time to time. I WELCOME SUGGESTIONS FROM USERS. I am not,
however, making any binding commitments to issue updates or corrections.
Historically, new versions appear about every six months.
While I expect to issue occasional updates, I am not anxious to get
into the disk distribution business. Stock Portfolio Record Manager is
available from the Public Software Library, P.O. Box 35705, Houston, TX
77235. I provide updates to PSL as soon as they are released. Last time I
looked, disks were available from PSL for $5.00 plus a $4.00 shipping
charge. A 3.5 inch disk costs an extra dollar. I encourage everyone to
use PSL. It offers good service, and its monthly shareware catalog is
Second, the program is available on some computer bulletin boards.
The program may also be available on Compuserve, GEnie, or America Online,
but I cannot guarantee this because I do not have access to these service.
Third, a Washington D.C. computer bulletin board has agreed to serve
as "home base" for Gellman Software shareware programs. Sysop Rob Richmond
of the CPA's BBS has graciously agreed to make the programs available to
all. The phone number of the BBS is 202-882-9067. The file names will be
SPRMxx.ZIP and HBRMxx.ZIP. The xx stands for the current version number.
Interested users may find it worth their while to visit the CPA's BBS and
to read the bulletin about these programs. I can be reached through the
CPA's BBS under the name Bob Gellman. Information about the phone number
and availability of the BBS is current as of the file date. It is, of
course, subject to change at any time.
Finally, I will make updates directly available to registered users in
two ways. Any registered user who sends me a self-addressed, stamped disk
mailer and a disk can receive a copy of the latest version at no cost. If
a user wants me to provide the disk and mailer, the cost is $5.00 ($6.00
for 3.5 inch disks). I reserve the right to revoke this offer any time.
I really want to discourage people from asking me to provide disks and
mailers. I don't have the time or the facilities. I will, however,
accommodate my users and happily provide updates at no cost if you provide
the disk, the mailer, and the postage.
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If you like, I can include my other programs along with any update.
If you like the stock program and you own a home, please consider trying my
Home Basis Record Manager. I have also published several freeware games.
All of the programs are described in Appendix I. Tell me if you can handle
ZIP archives, and I will send everything squeezed on one disk. All of my
programs will not fit on a single 360 K floppy. It takes two regular
floppies or one 1.2 Meg floppy. Home Basis Record Manager and Stock Market
Record Manager will fit on a single disk, however.
I will try to respond to any correspondence from registered users so
let me know if you need help, find problems, or have complaints. Alas, I
cannot promise to notify registered users of new versions. The Public
Software Library monthly catalog will contain update notices.
The current version is written and compiled in Microsoft's QuickBASIC
4.5 under DOS 3.1. The source code is not public. The program uses the
PROBAS Professional BASIC Programming Library.
I originally wrote this program solely to meet my needs. Version 1.4
was released publicly as freeware on a limited basis in April 1988.
Because of lack of interest and some problems, the program was withdrawn a
month later. Version 2.1 was released in May 1989 to a few selected users.
It contained the pulldown and lightbar menus and many other improvements.
With version 3.0, the program became shareware. Detailed information about
recent changes is included in a separate file named STOCKNEW.DOC.
Acknowledgement: Some program features rely on algorithms and BASIC
code fragments that were released into the public domain by other, mostly
anonymous, programmers. Thanks to all who have provided source code for
others to use.
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Name: 25 characters provided by the user. This is the name
of the stock. Some name must be specified.
Symbol: 4 characters provided by the user. No spaces or
special characters will be accepted. Reserved DOS file
names will be rejected. Each symbol must be unique.
Exchange: 4 characters provided by the user. This is an optional
field for the exchange where the stock is traded.
CUSIP: 20 characters provided by the user. This is an
optional field. Each stock/bond is assigned a unique
identification number by the securities industry. The
CUSIP number is on certificates and buy/sell slips.
Shares: The total number of shares owned. This number is
calculated by the program from transactions. It cannot
be changed directly by the user.
Total Basis: The total cost of shares owned. This number is
calculated by the program from transactions. It cannot
be changed directly by the user.
Share Basis: The total basis divided by the number of shares. This
number is calculated by the program from transactions.
It cannot be changed directly by the user.
Price: The most recent price available to the program. The
price is taken from transactions that reported a price.
Price Date: The date of the latest transaction reporting a price.
Dividend Rate: Number field provided by the user representing the
annual dividend rate per share.
Dividend Date: 5 character field provided by the user. This is the
month and year when any dividend is paid. It is an
optional field. If dividends are paid on the first day
of each calendar quarter, then a proper entry would be
any ONE of the following: 1/1 or 4/1 or 7/1 or 10/1.
Dividend Number: Integer field provided by the user. This is the number
of times that dividends are paid annually.
Log Number: The number of transactions in the file for a stock.
Notes: 30 character field provided by the user.
Other information provided with the main stock file is calculated as
needed. This includes yield, percentage gain/loss, current value, and
profit/loss. This information is not maintained in the data files.
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All information maintained in the transaction logs is user provided.
Date: Integer variable. The date of the transaction is
entered in the form MM/DD/YY. All transactions must
have a valid date. The program does limited
verification of dates. Mandatory for all transactions.
Transaction Number: Integer variable. There are eight transaction types,
which are identified by number. Mandatory for all
Number of Shares: Double precision variable. Fractional shares can be
Price: Double precision variable. The price is in dollars and
must be decimal. Decimals of more than two places are
Commission: Single precision variable. The broker's commission is
included in the basis for the stock.
Other Costs: Single precision variable. This field is for
transaction costs other than the broker's commission.
Other costs are included in the basis for the stock.
Basis: Double precision variable. This is the basis for a
transaction. Not all transactions have a basis.
Profit/Loss: Double precision variable. This information is
maintained only for SELL transactions.
Certificate Number: 26 character field. The field can be used to store a
stock certificate number or any other data.
Notes: 40 character field. The field can be used to store any
Capital Gain: 1 character field. Used only for SELL and DIVIDEND
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Stock Portfolio Record Manager maintains the basic records that
stock and bond market investors need. It tracks purchases and sales,
accounts for stock splits and basis changes, and handles multiple
transactions, dividend reinvestments, fractional shares, and
hypothetical transactions. The program totally replaces or
supplements paper records. It provides powerful reports about your
portfolio, transactions, and dividends. Both laser and dot matrix
printers are supported. Anyone who has investments in the stock or
bond markets should consider using this program.
If you own a house, condominium, cooperative, house trailer, or
any type of residence, you need HOME BASIS RECORD MANAGER. This
program will help you keep track of the basis (or cost) of your home.
This information is vital when you sell your home. By using the HOME
BASIS RECORD MANAGER, you can be certain that you will have all the
information necessary to minimize the taxes due on the profits from
the sale of your home.
POKER571 Head to Head Draw Poker (freeware)
1POKER14 Poker Solitaire (freeware)
CALC15 Calculation Solitaire (freeware)
LABELLE4 La Belle Lucie Solitaire (public domain)
SIXLTR42 Six Letter Word Game (freeware)
The last two programs were coauthored by other programmers.
These programs are available from the Public Software Library, P.O.
Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235. The latest versions are normally sent to PSL
when released. I recommend PSL to anyone interested in shareware or
freeware. Gellman Software programs are also available on finer computer
bulletin boards in the Washington, DC area and elsewhere.
Copies of all programs are available from Gellman Software. Send a
self-addressed, stamped mailer and disk to the address on the first page.
State which programs you want. IMPORTANT: Please state if you know how to
handle ZIP archives. If you want all programs, send one 1.2 Meg disk, two
360K disks if you can unZIP, or three 360K disks if you do not understand
ZIP archives. There is no charge if you supply the disk, the mailer, and
the postage.
****End of STOCK.DOC****
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